Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Devine Quilters Newsletter June 2011

The Devine Quilters
P.O. Box 50006 Columbia, SC 29250

June 2011 Newsletter

From the President:
Howdy to all,
 Hope everyone has been busy quilting away and watching their gardens grow. I have little tiny tomatoes and baby cucumbers and oh my, the beans and peas are going nuts from seeds. Our radishes are almost ready to eat, and the herbs have already made their way into our kitchen. I am so thankful for the help I have had this year in the garden. God is so good to send such wonderful help into our lives.
 I so missed everyone at the last meeting and am so thankful to be standing tall once again. I hope you are looking forward to the June meeting as much as I am. There is absolutely no way to beat a wonderful night of good food, great friends and a good time--hope to see everyone there!
 Everyone have a safe Memorial Day weekend and see you in June. Keep on quilting away!
Lynn Lucas

Bring to the June 6 meeting: Regular first floor room 6p: start charity work 7-9p: meeting & charity work
Items listed in the Program section for making the charity quilt kits
Show and Tell
Any charity quilts
Remember your Secret Sister
For Children’s Garden: Pull ups and Diapers ( size 4 and larger)

Contact Us:

President First Vice President Second Vice President
Lynn Lucas Lynn Buske Leslie Mullins
957-7563 808-6120 422-0532
doozledo@windstream.net LBuske@aol.com notfromheresc@aol.com

Secretary Treasurer Newsletter Editor Secret Sister Coordinator
Teresa Coolidge Libby Law Beth Karr June McCaskill
520-6524 782-8324 699-6577
TCoolidge@aol.com libbyplaw@mindspring.com nebulosa@sc.rr.com jbugm55@aol.com
Membership Charity Programs Hospitality/Refreshments Immediate Past President
Margaret Caughman Mary Cross & Beth Karr Deborah Hotchkiss & Margaret Caughman
808-2388 . 799-0073 699-6577 808-2388
quiltedapron@aol.com Mcross1915@aol.com & Jodi Spillane quiltedapron@aol.com


For the June meeting, we will be working on making kits for future charity quilts (Children’s Garden and Breast Cancer Center). We will start working at 6pm, interrupted by Potluck supper and business meeting. Mary and Beth will be bringing batting, instructions, bags, tags and fabric.

The following will be bringing:
Ironing board, iron, ext. cord: Beth Stewart-Ozark and Leslie Mullins
Bed risers: Joyce Greer and Anita Bowen
Each member please bring (and label all your tools!):
Rotary mat (17” x 23” or larger)
Rotary cutter with new or backup blades
Rotary ruler (such as 6” by 24” or larger) for stripping from yardage

Members optional to bring: Coordinated yardage of your choice for a kit (please label for which kit, and label amount of yardage on each piece of fabric):

Kit 1: Rail Fence Kit 2: Rail Fence Kit 3: Altered Rails
Child Adult Child

Kit 4: Altered Rails Kit 5: Split 9-Patch Kit 6: Split 9-Patch
Adult Child Adult

Kit 1: child Rail Fence: 3 colors for rails (3/4 yd each) and 5/8 yds inner border.
Opt: ½ yd binding. Opt: 3-1/4 yds backing
Kit 2: adult Rail fence: 3 colors for rails (1 yd each) and 2/3 yd inner border.
Opt: 5/8 yd binding. Opt: 3-2/3 yds backing
Kit 3: child Altered Rails: dark for frames (1-5/8 yds); med or light for centers (1-1/8 yds).
Opt: ½ yds binding. Opt: 3 yds backing
Kit 4: adult Altered Rails: dark for frames (2-1/3 yds); med or light for centers (1-7/8 yds).
Opt: 5/8 yds binding. Opt: 4 yds backing
Kit 5: child Disappearing 9 Patch: 1 yd each of 2 fabrics and ½ yd of one accent fabric.
Opt: ½ yds binding. Opt: 2-2/3 yds backing
Kit 6: adult Disappearing 9 Patch: 1-1/2 yd each of 2 fabrics and ½ yd of one accent fabric.
Opt: ¾ yd binding. Opt: 3-1/3yds backing

And/or: General yardage for kits or backings. Please label how much yardage is in the piece.
And/or: Accuquilt machine if it can do 2.5”, 3.5”, 4.5” and/or 5.5” strips.
Questions? Contact Beth Karr or Mary Cross
Love Goddess’ Report on Love Quilt Programs

Four new quilts were received in May. Several others were returned after being bound. Thanks to all of you for your great work.
Children's Garden would appreciate Pull ups and Diapers ( size 4 and larger)
Please return all quilts for the Epworth college bound girls at the June meeting.
Remember that June is the month for our Charity Workshop. Please check the special instructions for what to bring. Come and enjoy the potluck dinner and make kits for charity quilts. --Mary

Minutes for the May 2, 2011 Meeting

Meeting called to order by Lynn Buske, First Vice President.
Visitors were introduced.
Minutes from the April 4, 2011 meeting approved.
No old business.
No new business.
Lynn Buske shared the upcoming programs:
June program will be a workshop for charity quilts. We will be assembling kits. Bring items listed under Programs, and a dish to share.
July is our ice cream social.
August is pot luck.
Jodi Spillane announced that tickets to the QSC scholarship quilt were available for purchase.
Anita Bowen shared an e-mail letter she received from Best Chance Network thanking the guild for the donation.
Libby Law, Treasurer, did not have anything new to report.
Show and Tell.
Showing of the Menopause Quilts
Meeting adjourned.

Financial Report
May 8, 2011

Balance January 1, 2011 $ 4,101.18
Income To Date $ 313.00
Expenditures to Date $ 305.44
Net Income/Loss $ 7.58
Balance $ 4,108.74

Roster updates
June Fish-- correct email is :junequilt249@yahoo.com
Renewed: Sara Quattlebaum 148 Lake Harbor Dr., Lexington, SC 29072 saraquattl@aol.com

Remember your Devine Secret Sister during the summer months.

Members in the News

Beth Stewart-Ozark's quilt "Innocence Taken" has been selected by Sacred Threads as part of their exhibit in Herndon, VA, showing June 22 - July 4, 2011. This was a juried exhibit with more entries this year than ever in the history of Sacred Threads.

Rest of Year Programs

July 11th - The ice cream social is always fun. I am looking for 2 people to do small demos during the social. Please email me if you are interested in doing a demo, or have something you would like to see demonstrated.
August 8th - Will be the covered dish. More on that later.
September 10th - ATW art group from Mt. Pleasant will be doing a trunk show. They are a new group and
their work is fascinating!
October 3rd - Silent auction time. Bring in things you want to donate, put a starting price on them and see
what happens or make something and donate it. This will be a fun time, and a big boost to the
guild. Items don't need to be quilt related.
November 7th - Challenge quilts are due. We will be hanging them up and voting on them.
December 5th - Christmas party! Food and making little stockings for the kids.
---Lynn Buske
Upcoming Events
Artful Lives: Molas of the Kuna April 9 – June 25, 2011 McKissick Museum Second Floor
Artful Lives: Molas of the Kuna explores the history and contemporary textile creations of the Kuna women of coastal Panama. In the mid 19th century, Kuna women started experimenting with ways to transfer body painting designs onto cloth. These women have developed a distinctive style unlike that of any other folk culture. They use their clothing as a mode of personal expression, taking great care with decisions about the combinations of skirts and scarves as well as with the creation of their mola blouses. This attention to detail along with their expert stitchery has earned this craft recognition around the world. Today, the sale of these textile arts is the second most important income source to the Kuna and examples are collected by museums around the world. A must see exhibit if you are a quilter - lots of appliqué and reverse appliqué.
The exhibition contains dozens of examples of both complete Mola blouses and individual panels. Drawn from the extensive collection of Jean E. Kanes, most have never been exhibited before.

Our regular meeting is held on the first Monday of the month (second Monday for July and September 2011) at 7:00 pm at Shandon Presbyterian Church at the corners of Blossom, Woodrow and Devine Streets in Columbia, SC. Use the entrance facing Devine Street and ask at the security desk for directions to Davis Hall on the first floor. Our membership is $24.00 per year and is prorated for new members.