Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Devine Quilters Newsletter July 2011

The Devine Quilters
P.O. Box 50006 Columbia, SC 29250

July 2011 Newsletter

From the President:

Howdy Ladies,
 Hope everyone is having a wonderful summer. It sure has arrived with a big hello from the heat. I have vowed to embrace it after the winter that we had. I am looking forward to our July meeting with ice cream. I heard rumor that it will be homemade this year, so my taste buds are watering. I know that Lynn Buske has some exciting things planned for us this summer also.
 We are having company so I will be doing the tourist thing. We all need to do the tourist thing in our own world. Aside from being tons of fun, we get to see our city and state in a whole new light. We will have a blast here.
 I have been quilting away as I hope you have also. See you soon! I am off to make peach pie!
--Lynn Lucas

Bring to the July 11 meeting: Regular first floor room 6p: social time 7-9p: meeting

Show and Tell
Any charity quilts
Remember your Secret Sister
For Children’s Garden: popsicles (the to-be-frozen kind)

Contact Us:

President First Vice President Second Vice President
Lynn Lucas Lynn Buske Leslie Mullins
957-7563 808-6120 422-0532
doozledo@windstream.net LBuske@aol.com notfromheresc@aol.com

Secretary Treasurer Newsletter Editor Secret Sister Coordinator
Teresa Coolidge Libby Law Beth Karr June McCaskill
520-6524 782-8324 699-6577
TCoolidge@aol.com libbyplaw@mindspring.com nebulosa@sc.rr.com jbugm55@aol.com
Membership Charity Programs Hospitality/Refreshments Immediate Past President
Margaret Caughman Mary Cross & Beth Karr Deborah Hotchkiss & Margaret Caughman
808-2388 . 799-0073 699-6577 808-2388
quiltedapron@aol.com Mcross1915@aol.com & Jodi Spillane quiltedapron@aol.com


July 11 will be an ice cream social with 2 demos by members. One demo is a new marking gel pen that erases with heat, the other is bobbin work, what is it and how to do it.

August 1 is our Annual Potluck meeting. We will have a demo by 2 members on hand applique and how to transfer the designs to your block using new methods. The second demo will be variations on a disappearing 9-patch.
September 12 is the Silent Auction (a change in month). Bring things you wish to donate and sell, be thinking about making something (does not have to be quilt related). That piece of fabric you don't want to use can be something someone else needs. Old quilting magazines and books are always welcome.
October 3, we have a trunk show from the Charleston area from the art group ATW,
ART THAT WORKS. They are very excited to be coming to Columbia.
November 7 has the challenge quilts due.
And December 5 is the Christmas party and our annual Christmas stockings sew in.

Love Goddess’ Report on Love Quilt Programs

We had a wonderful night last month with the preparing of quilt kits. Fifteen kits were prepared with fabric and batting. Eleven went home with members to be pieced and quilted. I have several kits which I will bring to the July meeting. I also have a couple of quilts that need to be quilted. I will also bring those in July.
I received the last Epworth quilt on Friday so will make a run to the Children's Home and deliver these love quilts for the senior girls going on to college.
We need to make a decision on Epworth as one of the continuing recipients of Devine Guild charities.
Remember quilts for Breast Cancer Center and Children's Garden. Bring popsicles (the to-be-frozen kind) for Children's Garden.

I want to thank you all for the lovely quilt I was given last month. Being Love Goddess has been a most rewarding part of this Guild's work. I will treasure it always. I'll also bring it for Show 'N Tell in July.

Minutes for the June 6, 2011 Meeting

Cutting of quilt kits started at 6pm. The meeting was called to order at 7 pm. The minutes were approved. There was no new business and no old business to discuss. Guests were introduced. We had wonderful show and tell and the meeting was adjourned. We continued to cut kits and proceeded to eat wonderful food. A great time was had by all.
-- Lynn Lucas

Financial Report
June 13, 2011

Balance January 1, 2011 $ 4,101.18
Income to date $278.00
Expenditures to date $335.97
Grand Total $ 4,043.21


We had a request from one of our members for membership cards to use to get a guild discount from some of the quilt shops, so I will have a card for you in July. Don't forget the meeting is a week later and bring a friend or two if you can.
Remember your Devine Secret Sister during the summer months.

Joplin Tornado Assistance


Not sure if you have seen the below postings to re-guild Joplin, MO. I've already sent two boxes and am filling up number three. Other guild members might be interested in sending things. I would even donate a sewing machine if I knew someone could drive it there. ---Stephanie

“From now until the end of July and probably beyond - we'd like to gather all quilters for Operation Re-Guild Joplin. After discussing the devastation from the tornado in Joplin with Kat, over at The Quilt Shoppe, and both being in tears, we decided we needed to call in all the forces and reorganize our efforts!
We have already begun to collect donations for baby items, quilts, pillowcases, stuffed toys and then realized that the guild and quilters who lost their source of supplies and place to meet and sew are in need of supplies. Lets all help rebuild these quilters’ lives by allowing them to continue with their passion of quilting during this most difficult time. We're asking for donations of books, patterns, fabric, notions, rulers - anything you can imagine a quilter needing. Thanks for all the donations, so far. We can do this! We ARE Quilters!

You can bring your donations into Stitchin' Heaven & The Quilt Asylum or mail them into:
Operation Re-Guild
The Quilt Shoppe
118 Hill Street
Stewartsville, MO 64490”

Upcoming events

Hearts and Hands/ECA Presents: Pieceful Gardens 2011 Quilt Show
October 21-22 10am - 5pm Admission: Adults $5.00, Under 12 Free
Dennis A. Wicker Civic Center, 1801 Nash St., Sanford, NC
For more information: info@hearsandhandsnc.org Website: http://www.heartsandhandsnc.org


Our regular meeting is held on the first Monday of the month (second Monday for July and September 2011) at 7:00 pm at Shandon Presbyterian Church at the corners of Blossom, Woodrow and Devine Streets in Columbia, SC. Use the entrance facing Devine Street and ask at the security desk for directions to Davis Hall on the first floor. Our membership is $24.00 per year and is prorated for new members.