Tuesday, November 8, 2011

November 2011 Devine Quilters Newsletter

The Devine Quilters
P.O. Box 50006 Columbia, SC 29250

November 2011 Newsletter

From the President:

 A very dear friend gave me a most wonderful framed Quiltation this past month. It says "Every life is lived on day at a time." and "Every quilt is made one stitch at a time." I love this, as it touched me to the core. These words are so true! How lucky we are to have the most wonderful opportunity to do both! I thank God, that all of you are part of both in my life! I pray that you will treasure one another also as we continue on this crazy quilt of life.
 Looking forward to our next meeting and seeing what you all do for the challenge quilts.
 --Lynn Lucas

Bring to the November 7 meeting: Regular first floor room 6p: social time 7-9p: meeting

Challenge quilts!
Lone Star quilts—see programs
Show and Tell
Any charity quilts
Remember your Secret Sister
For Children’s Garden: heavy duty aluminum foil and plastic wrap
Contact Us:

President First Vice President Second Vice President
Lynn Lucas Lynn Buske Leslie Mullins
957-7563 808-6120 422-0532
doozledo@windstream.net LBuske@aol.com notfromheresc@aol.com

Secretary Treasurer Newsletter Editor Secret Sister Coordinator
Teresa Coolidge Libby Law Beth Karr June McCaskill
520-6524 782-8324 699-6577
TCoolidge@aol.com libbyplaw@mindspring.com nebulosa@sc.rr.com jbugm55@aol.com
Membership Charity Programs Hospitality/Refreshments Immediate Past President
Margaret Caughman Mary Cross & Beth Karr Deborah Hotchkiss & Margaret Caughman
808-2388 . 799-0073 699-6577 808-2388
quiltedapron@aol.com Mcross1915@aol.com & Jodi Spillane quiltedapron@aol.com


November - remember your challenge quilts! I hope we have many in the challenge. Remember, 2 ribbons will be given: one for the favorite 'love' quilt and one for the favorite children's quilt being kept by the maker. There will be a show of Lone Star quilts, so remember to bring one in if you have made one. This is to spark interest in our Lone Star exhibit at the Richland County Library next year.
December is the Christmas party. Bring potluck, and help with our annual stockings for the Pediatric ER project.
--Lynn Buske

The Nominations for the 2012 Board are as follows:

President: Sue Spillaine
2nd Vice President: Stephanie Alexander
Treasuer: Geri Smith
Secretary: Bernadette Houghton

Leslie Mullins will move up to Vice President.

Elections will be held at the November 2011 Guild meeting. If you would like to be considered for one of these positions or would like to nominate someone else we will take nominations from the floor and then will have a vote.
Appointed positions: Lynn Flatly – will take over Newsletter from Beth Karr
Beth Karr -- will take over Charity from the goddess, Mary Cross
 Maggie Klawitter - will take over Membership from Margaret Caughman.

Love Goddess’ Report on Love Quilt Programs

Please bring any finished quilts to the meeting. I have two that are in need of binding that I will bring.
For the Children's Garden, please consider bringing HEAVY DUTY ALUMNIUM FOIL and PLASTIC WRAP.

Financial Report
October 2011

Balance January 1 $4,101.18
Income to date 313.00
Expenditures to date 722.63
Net Income -409.63

Grand Total $3691.55


SECRET SISTERS...Please continue to remember your SS each month. The big reveal will be at our December meeting. --June

Minutes for the October 12, 2011 Meeting

Meeting called to order by Lynn Lucas, President.
Lynn Buske introduced the speakers for the program. The program, Art that Works, was a presentation by six of its members. They are from the Mount Pleasant and Charleston, SC area.
Meeting resumed with the minutes from the September 12, 2011 meeting approved.
A correction to the newsletter was announced. The November meeting will include show and tell of any Lone Star quilts that members would like to share.
Lynn Lucas introduced guests and announced upcoming quilt shows and events. The quilt shows and events will be printed in the newsletter.
November newsletter will have a list of nominees for the open guild officer positions. These nominees will be presented at the guild meeting. The guild will also accept nominations from the floor.
The guild voted and approved that we will no longer have snacks at each guild meeting. Therefore, the Hospitality/Refreshments position has been eliminated. The guild will still have organized food at announced potlucks and the ice cream social.
Beth Karr, Charity-in-Training, announced a donation of a large box felt squares by Beth Stewart-Ozark to be given to the Childrens Garden.
No old business.
No new business.
Lynn Buske, Programs, announced that the November meeting will be the presentation of this year’s challenge quilts and the presentation of Lone Star Quilts. December will be the Christmas party and the making of 200 small stockings for charity. Beth Karr will have a sign up sheet for the stockings. January program will be a preview of the DVD “Jan Krentz Teaches You How to Make a Lone Star” (our guild has permission to show this).
Discussion with regards to putting the challenge quilts into the AQS quilt show ensued. Leslie Mullins will review the AQS rules for entering.
No old business.
No new business.
Meeting Adjourned.

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One Loose Thread Quilting

Retreats for 2012

SPRING FLING 2012 – The 10th year
February 23 - 26, 2012
Lone Star Times 2
May 7 – 10, 2012
Summer Fun #3
August 16 – 19, 2012


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Our regular meeting is held on the first Monday of the month (second Monday for July and September 2011) at 7:00 pm at Shandon Presbyterian Church at the corners of Blossom, Woodrow and Devine Streets in Columbia, SC. Use the entrance facing Devine Street and ask at the security desk for directions to Davis Hall on the first floor. Our membership is $24.00 per year and is prorated for new members.